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Kilnbridge Publishes Annual Gender Pay Gap Statement

16 April 2024

Kilnbridge has published our annual Gender Pay Gap Statement, an important tool for accountability across all industries. The entire construction and engineering sector remains very gender skewed overall, and Kilnbridge is no exception with women making up only 17% of our workforce. However we were pleased to be able to demonstrate some significant progress towards towards parity in key areas.

Most notably, there has been a huge increase in both the proportion of men and women receiving a bonus. In the 2022/23 report these figures were 1.8% and 1.9%, respectively; in 2024 we are pleased to report respective totals at 74.2% and 65.6%. This is due to a number of factors but primarily our unique EOT structure, a journey we began in March 2021.

The Guardian reported that the overall gender pay gap in the UK is the smallest this year since reporting has been enforced. While there are still inequalities, and the evidence clearly shows that we remain far from parity, it speaks to positive change that comes from transparency.

HR Director Emma Emmett said, “The executive board is committed to reducing the gender pay gap in future reporting years, and building on our recent success. While we celebrate improvements, we recognise more is required. To achieve this aim, Kilnbridge is:

  • Actively recruiting more females into all levels of the business, especially targeting senior leadership positions. Several significant hiring decisions will be reflected in next year’s statistics
  • Introducing new, permanent roles to the business to drive people and business improvement agendas
  • Devising and implementing more family friendly policies and benefits, which we expect to launch in our 2024 fiscal year.
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