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Kilnbridge: “We ❤️ Our NHS

15 April 2020

Kilnbridge stands with the rest of our nation, in sharing our solidarity and admiration of our brave NHS workers. They are putting themselves at risk to fight this pandemic, and we couldn’t be more proud and grateful.

From the boots on the ground to the fingers behind the keyboards we want to share our gratitude, so we’ve put together a tribute to these brave men and women –

“We ❤️our NHS”



A special mention for Joe Sims, our Site Supervisor at our Hinkley Point C site in Avonmouth, Joe took the initiative to pin up this sweet homemade tribute to the NHS in the Hinkley site office.

It serves as a reminder to all those remaining on-site that we must continue social distancing and other hygiene processes to protect and support our NHS workers. Well done!

Additionally, this act has inspired the team to start collecting money on-site to help a local cause burdened by coronavirus. The team will decide where the money will be donated soon.


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